I was introduced to chiropractic care while seeking relief from constant migraine; I was suffering with over 30 migraines per month. Previous medical treatment had caused muscle weakness and deteriorating eyesight. Every time I tried to exercise I would cause more migraines. I was over medicated and miserable when I had a migraine, scared of doing anything enjoyable because it might cause a migraine. After being under Chiropractic Care for 12 years now, when I am not feeling 100% my first stop for relief is Pojero Family Chiropractic. I ask questions there before calling an M.D. as Dr. John and Dr. Gaby do more than adjust vertebrae, but take care of the whole body in a natural and holistic approach, with as little medication as possible. I have a more positive outlook each day knowing I have a resource in Pojero Family Chiropractic to use when I’m suffering from pain. Being able to go in for treatment whenever I need to lets me be more involved in life with family and friends.
The human body is an amazing thing, and how proper maintenance is all that is necessary to keep it functioning at its best. Good posture is essential to good health and a pain free life. Learning to maintain my body, keeping good posture and being adjusted regularly has improved my life immeasurable. Most people who suffer with migraines to the extent that I do are not able to hold a fulltime job and are unable to participate in a lot of life’s joys. Drs. John and Gaby Pojero are always willing to listen and offer their suggestions and opinions no matter how busy they are. They make themselves available to patients in need even when the office is not open.